Global Health


In more recent times, Haier Biomedical has already progressed extensively with huge global success with regard to providing cryopreservation for saving and securing life through vaccine security. Immunization by vaccine inoculation can save a child’s life and is therefore vital to human life.

The Director-General of WHO claims:“Vaccines are one of our most important tools for preventing outbreaks and keeping the world safe. While most children today are being vaccinated, far too many are left behind. Unacceptably, it’s often those who are most at risk– the poorest, the most marginalized,those touched by conflict or forced from their homes - who are persistently missed.”

More than 1 in 10 missed out on lifesaving vaccines such as measles, diphtheria and tetanus in 2018, according to new data from WHO and UNICEF.

Every 20 seconds a child dies from a disease that could have been prevented by vaccine coverage.

As vaccines need to be kept at a particular temperature to remain effective, one of the main reasons resulting from the numbers above lays in the unreliability of power supplies in many rural areas worldwide. Haier Biomedical combats this insufficiency of safety and security of vaccines effectively with Haier Biomedical vaccine storage solutions.

Case Studies

U-Biobank Network (28)
U-Vaccine Network (17)
U-Reagent Network (6)
U-Blood Network (5)
U-Laboratory Network (21)

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